Monday, 6 December 2010


"You are blind. You see what you do not hear and you hear what you do not see; that is, if you are truly paying attention, which I doubt. He shall be mine"


  1. I'm doing my best to gather some people together to take a look at the rest of the audio. Sounds very sinister though - any other weird stuff going on?

  2. Apart from Erik, not really. Though I guess there's been really thick fog outside recently. Seems fairly localised to my street. Though I that's probably just the cold weather for you. It's -1 almost every day here.

  3. Where abouts are you located? I saw Distilled's post in a forum and decided to check this out. We have nasty fog here all the time. Although I have never seen the fog stuck on one street. I have seen some strange anomolies before where weather is raining at a stoplight then I go through to the other side and it is clear.

  4. Well, I'm in Leicester and the fog was pretty terrible yesterday. Btw - Sound guy, can I ask - I got a strange email the other day from an anonymous email address, he seemed to be referring to your blog and stating that: "all has been provided to you by the Patient". You aren't ill or anything are you?

  5. A little I guess. I've been having some upper back/neck problems and a bit of a clogged up throat. You could hear me coughing a video or so back.Who has been emailing you about me? =S

    I'm from Hertfordshire. It was really weird fog, thick and dark, almost a dark grey.

    And another weird weather event. I was walking back from college and it was raining lightly. But only under the trees. I'm not sure if there was a frost that suddenly decided to melt, but it was very strange.
